Published in Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol. XX
Written by Ana Raluca BIȚICĂ, Aurel GIURA, Petruța CORNEA
In the last decade, DH technology has been integrated by many maize breeding programs in Europe, North America and China due to the releasing of lines with inducing efficiency up to 15 %, developed for temperate and tropical areas as well as due to improved selection of the putative haploid kernels (PHK) on the basis of the expression of anthocyanin coloration conferred by R1-nj as a genetic marker. Even though the R1-nj marker system offers an efficient way to identify haploids, the expression given by this genetic marker could be influenced by several factors such as the genetic background of the female parent. According to the literature, haploids obtained from dent genotypes are more easily recognized and both anthocyanin coloration and intensity of the coloration are better expressed than in flint genotypes; anthocyanin coloration could be also affected by the moisture of kernels at time of harvest and may vary from a small patch to covering the entire aleuronezone, exception kernel basis. Intensity of anthocyanin can range from very poor to strong anthocyanin both in the embryo and aleurone. In 2014 at NARDI Fundulea, 27 populations were used as female parent in crosses with five different inducers and inducing efficiency was determined for each cross to see the influence of the female parent on the inducing efficiency.
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