Published in Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol. XXVI, Issue 2
Written by Mirela DRĂGAN, Roxana SPULBER, Oana LIVADARIU, Ștefana JURCOANE
Bee products containing bee pollen collected from flowers and harvested by humans from the hive, include both active principles produced by plants and active principles added during collection, processing, and storage by bees. Pollen, is one of the most bee products used in apitherapy, is a valuable source of bioactive substances, as it contains most of the active ingredients that are directly assimilable in the human body (vitamins, minerals, hormones and substances acting as prehormones, enzymes and simple carbohydrates) and have by adding in the diet a wide range of indications, recommendations and applications. As a result, this mini-review systematically presents both the highlighting of the influence of pollen in daily human consumption and the analysis of composition, antioxidant activity, quality parameters and sensory properties of biologically active pollen harvested from organically grown honey crops.
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